Category: Events

  • The Video Game Market Doncaster

    The Video Game Market Doncaster

    A difficult weekend nearly saw us miss The Video Game Market in Doncaster. Why was this weekend difficult? The storms from the pervious night nearly derailed our chances of reaching Doncaster, luckily for us a 5am early morning drive in slow conditions allowed us to reach Doncaster with an hour and a half spare to…

  • Leamington Spa Comic Con

    Leamington Spa Comic Con

    A event close to home, we attended Leamington Comic Con to showcase our products and Etzeo to our locals. Leamington Comic Con did not disappoint. Each panel was exciting as the last and each break the attending cosplayers took the time to visit each stall and spend time with attendees taking pictures like the one…

  • Leicester Alcon (Anime League)

    Leicester Alcon (Anime League)

    For us an event is an special occasion, why? We get to meet the thousands and thousands of attendees who attend the event and spent time speaking to each and everyone one of you who visit our stall. Leicester Alcon was no different for us. We saw the reactions you had towards our stall and…

  • Doncaster Experience

    Doncaster Experience

    One week on and we lay here recovering from the Video Game Market in Doncaster. Doncaster was our first show of the year and we couldn’t have anticipated the response we received from everyone who had attended. We met many delightful faces and handed out a ton of flyers. Were you one of the lucky…